Resources - Publications

While our work generally involves all faiths and none in dialogue together, each faith does
have specific needs and questions to address. This resource is designed for Christians in
What are the expectations of Christians who go on pilgrimage to the Holy Land? What
should pilgrimage be about?
Travelling to the Holy Land cannot be a neutral activity. Decisions and choices made always
affect the people who live there in one way or another. This 30 minute DVD puts the case for a pilgrimage which engages with both the
historical stones and the 'living stones' - the people of the Land.
The film uses interviews with Jews, Christians and Muslims, Israelis and Palestinians, and
travels around the holy sites. It asks potential pilgrims to consider how they can bring
Christian values to their pilgrimage.
Also included are a Study Guide (divided into 6 sections) to accompany the DVD and a 12- page booklet 'Planning Your Pilgrimage',
with useful notes, contacts and a brief history of Christian travel in the Holy Land.
All this for only £8.99 + £2.95 p&p!
Produced with support from the United Reformed Church and the Sir Halley Stewart Trust
To get your copy, send a cheque and your postal details to: FODIP, CMS House, Watlington Road, Cowley, Oxford OX4 6BZ,
or use the button below to pay via PAYPal (includes a facility to use a credit/debit card.)
For all the progress that has been made on Jewish Christian relations since World
War II, Israel is still very much a sore place in the dialogue. Christians are divided
in their approach to this issue, as indeed in a different way, are Jews. This is why I
welcome Talking of Conflict, with its variety of approaches to the subject, and its
reminder that all words used in discussing it are weighted with history and emotion.
Taken from the forward by Richard Harries
Issues of language, and how we choose to speak about the conflict, are of central
importance. We asked the question: how is it possible to have dialogue, when the very ways
in which we speak about the conflict feed the problem? So often our discussions become the
obstacle to change. Moreover, such discussions can polarise the Christian world, let alone
hinder our dealings with our Jewish and Muslim cousins.
Only by learning to work and talk together for the good of others, even where there are
fundamental disagreements about the causes, can we hope to be of use to the people of the
region. This volume is simply an invitation to continue the dialogue, avoiding the hackneyed
cliches and the well-rehearsed rhetoric, and to seek new, creative ways to engage.
Its contributors,
Shanthikumar Hettiarachichi, Mark Chapman, Douglas Hedley, Patrick Riordan and Clare
Amos, have experience and committed interest in these issues and hopefully something
within these pages will strike a definite chord with you, the reader.
Buy now using Paypal with free Postage and Packaging Price £8.99